Wednesday, November 30, 2011

You Are A Flag

A flag is a mere lifeless symbol apart from the animating wind.  Yes, it bears the image and represents the substance of its country or cause, but of itself it hangs limp and lifeless.  It is the wind that enlivens and gives motion to the flag.

We are the image-bearers of God.  All of us.  All of creation.  Yet apart (separated) from the blowing wind of His Spirit, we do not move.  We do nothing other or more than show forth design.  There is no (or at most diminished) glory or ‘inspiration’.

A flag alone does not make a country.  It represents a truth greater and outside of itself.  The greater reality of the country precedes the symbolic actuality of the flag.  As foolish as it is to say that you own a car because you carry a key, so it is to speak of the value of a flag apart from acknowledging its country.

Think of your life.  Your self.  Your being.  You are a flag.  You represent and symbolize the very Person of God.  Take even a cursory look at how much took place in order for you to be born, and you will be hard pressed to sincerely believe that you are the product of chance and mere biological process.  God’s most intimate revelation to you of His existence and being is in the mirror every morning.

Now think of your purpose.  If it helps think of the purpose of a flag.  Bold to announce pride and value.  Colorful to represent joy and celebration.  Durable and strong to withstand that which it was designed to embrace.  The wind.

You are not a subtle statement.  You are an unblushing decree of the glory of God.  A heart-filling, spine-tingling, goose-bump-giving, tear-in-the-eye-causing reminder of home.  Represent Him well, and embrace the wind.

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