Sunday, March 7, 2010

5 ‘W’s For The Valleys - Psalm 42


‘…so my soul pants for YOU, O God.’ v. 1

When you find yourself in the valleys of discontent always ask what it is that would make the difference.  The only real answer will consistently be the presence of Almighty God.  He is the Healer, Comforter, Provider, Friend, Lord, Savior, and any other title that you need in life.  That’s why perhaps his greatest name is Immanuel.  God WITH us.  It’s not that there is a part of God that we need.  It’s that everything we always need is met in who he is.


‘When can I go and meet with God?’ v. 2

Doesn’t life have a way of gathering up on itself and you feel like time is the scarcest commodity you have?  At least one of two things has happened when that is the case.  We have said, ‘yes’ to too many things of this world, and/or we have said, ‘yes’ to too few moments with God.  We must check our priority lists, and if ‘time with God’ drops down to the point that we wonder if we’ll ever get there again WE MUST MAKE CHANGES.

Our soul’s needs will not be met by anything or anyone else.  Yes, we have responsibilities and commitments, but none more vital than knowing and enjoying the God we claim is our very life.  Besides, apart from Him what will we really accomplish anyway?  (see John 15 for the answer to that question).


‘…men say to me all day long, ‘Where is your God?’ v. 3

If it wasn’t enough that we would trip over our own feet at times, there are always those other voices that would gladly lead us deeper into discontentedness.  These are the ones who would believe that the answer to the ‘Who?’ of above is something other than God.  They are voices of discontent that seek distraction rather than peace.  Numbness rather than life.  They need to find security in their choices and direction by deriding absolutes and recruiting others to wander with them.  The notion of any truth outside of themselves is as foreign to their minds as peace is to their souls.  Beware of allowing the bitterness of others to affect your resolution.


‘These things I remember as I pour out my soul…’ v. 4

Never remain in the victories of the past, but recall them in order to move into new ones.  There is a fear that the best has passed us by, and we are tempted to feel empty and futile.  But realize that the ‘better-than-any-experienced-or-hoped-for-best’ is always ahead of us.  We look forward to the coming victory of the King we have never seen but yet we love.  We await the arrival and installment of new, better things (like earths and heavens and bodies!).  Let the former tastes and echoes of these things encourage you in the valleys.


‘Why are you downcast, O my soul?’ v. 5

Question your questions.  ‘Why downcast, O my soul?’  Are you looking to something or someone other than the Lord God Almighty to fill you up and satisfy you?  Are you cramming more and more into your schedule rather than remaining faithful to your highest priority?  Are you finding solace in others’ doubts instead of the security of Truth?

‘Why, O soul?’  Have you forgotten what has come before and, most importantly, what lies ahead?  How can you recall these things and think on the dawning future and be downcast, soul?

When the valley walls loom large seek out the Person of God (Who), regain the proper priorities in your schedule and life (When), stand firm against the bitter solicitors of doubt (Where), recall better times that remind of an even better future (What), and, by faith, speak to your soul words of truth and encouragement.