Saturday, January 15, 2011

The Pain of Love

Not all pain is bad.

I just put my little girl down for bed tonight, and as I closed the door…my heart sank.  It hit me that another day with this precious treasure is past and gone.  But there was another sentiment as well.  I just flat out love her so much that it hurts.  So much so that any physical pain I might encounter on her behalf pales in comparison.

The flesh’s capacity for sensation is nothing compared to the heart’s.  And the power of a punch can never compare to the power of love.

Consider that the next time Jesus pops up on the radar screen of your thoughts.  How could He have done what the bible says he did?  Crucifixion?  Voluntarily?  For me?  For you?

While it may be hard to swallow what Jesus did, it should be downright gobstopping when we attempt to grasp why he did it.


Love that hurt so bad even whip scourges, thorns penetrating skull, fists pounding face, spikes through wrists and ankles, spear thrusts into the chest don’t begin to approach a comparison.  (Hebrews 12:2)

There is a pit in the heart of God that aches simply for you.

Consider that the next time pain enters the arena of your life.  “God, you don’t know how much this hurts!”  His reply: “Then you don’t know how deep my love is for you.” (Ephesians 3:18)

It’s hard to conceive of anything being greater than the pains we feel (especially in the depth of the moment).  But this characteristic of Love, this godly ache, is deeper still.


Deep in the pits of hellish thoughts, feelings of abandonment, numbing loss, echoing sobs of loneliness, or paralyzing pain there is the presence of Another.  His arms reaching down even deeper than you can feel in order to embrace and carry you.  (Deuteronomy 33:27)

There is NO pit deeper than the love God has for you.

God, whether I ascend to the heavens or lie down in the depths of all that is known, you are there.  You are here.  Though I feel that I am at the bottom, there is yet your upholding hands beneath me.  Your love and care for me is deeper still.  Awaken my mind to know the love of Christ that surpasses all knowledge, and, once knowing, then to feel.  Help me to interpret life by the truth and not the other way around.  In humility and awe, Amen.

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