Tuesday, February 3, 2009

What Is Really Important?

The apostle Paul is a man few can compare to when it comes to knowing the extremes of the spectrum of life. He was a persecutor of Jesus and His followers, until he became a proclaimer of Jesus and His worthiness to be followed by all men. He was an amateur in the matters of the Gospel, until he became the author of the majority of the New Testament. He was loved. He was hated. He was worshiped by foreigners as a god, and he was stoned, beaten, and whipped by his own countrymen for proclaiming the gospel of the One True God (see 2 Corinthians 11 for more details about Paul's journey through life as a Christ-follower; you'll never mistake your troubles for 'persecution' again). So when Paul begins his letter to the Philippians (written 'in chains' during his imprisonment) by giving insight into what is really important in any and every situation, we would be wise to take a closer look. In Philippians 1:12-26, I see (at least) three phrases that give us a solid framework for determining what our focus should be during those times in life when we aren't sure which way to go.

1.) '...Christ is preached.' - Paul tells the Philippians that while he has been imprisoned God has been at work stirring up 'most of the brothers' to proclaim the gospel boldly and unashamedly. Now, some, out of 'love' and 'goodwill', were sincerely inspired to take up the banner of Jesus and to continue the defense of the gospel for which Paul was thrown in jail. Others, however, saw an opening for gaining some notoriety for themselves with Paul conveniently out of the way. Paul recognized their motivation for what it truly was: 'envy', 'rivalry', and 'selfish ambition'. So, where can we find a foothold in situations like this when our circumstances are being maliciously used by others for their good and our trouble? The secret, Paul would say, is to forget about ourselves and focus on Christ being preached. Think about it this way. If an opportunistic glory-seeker began to preach the gospel in an attempt to steal a bigger share of the market at Paul's expense, and Paul lashed back in order to defend his ground and reputation, who is the center of attention? It's Paul. So, recognizing that trap, Paul gets opportunistic himself by saying, 'Jesus is the One Who matters here. Not me!' Following Paul, with an honest helping of humility and a true heart for the name of Jesus (even at the expense of ours) we see the first key to knowing what is truly important in any and every situation. Whether it be from goodwill or slander in regards to us, see that Christ is preached.

2.) '...Christ will be exalted in my body...' - This is a big one. And therefore it needs a big platform to rest upon which Paul gives us in verse 21: 'For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.' The dilemma here, for Paul, is choosing how to face death. Rome was not a friendly place for Christians in Paul's day, and as Paul contemplates the near future, death (likely a gruesome, torturous death) is a very present reality. So he falls back on how he has chosen to live in order to guide him through how he will die. He says that he will now die, as he has always lived; exalting Christ. Exalt means to raise up or elevate in rank, power, or character. Paul is showing us here the placing of Christ above himself, his life, and his death. Paul has ceased to be the center of his universe. That is Christ's place now, and the important thing is not whether Paul lives or dies, it's whether Christ is shown to truly be more important, more powerful, and more impressive than all others. Also notice the confidence and the willfulness of Paul's statement. 'Christ will be exalted...' Paul made up his mind long before that Christ would be the substance of his life and the purpose beyond his death. Christ was exalted above all for which Paul would both live and die. Paul is living out his preaching here. In the next chapter, Paul will proclaim Jesus Christ as being exalted by God to the highest place (2:9). He has shown the world what that means in his life, and he is ready to show them what it looks like in death. So our key here is to rest upon Christ for our life, so that no matter what happens, even death, Christ will be exalted in our bodies.

3.) Others' needs are served - After Paul has considered that this might be the end of him, he begins to ponder what each outcome will hold. On one side: Life = continued service and fruitful labor in the Lord. On the other: Death = leaving this world and being with Christ. He even tips his hand as to what he would prefer saying that the latter is 'better by far'. But which way should he go? He throws up his hands and cries, 'I don't know!' We now find the third key for choosing what is most important when we're torn between two things and don't know what to do. Paul determines that it is 'more necessary' for him to remain alive and meet the needs of the Philippians for their '...progress and joy in the faith...' This is something we can see in Paul in other places as well. In Romans 9, Paul actually wishes that he could be 'cut off from Christ' for the sake of his brothers, the Jews, in regards to their acceptance of God's salvation. And here he does the same thing. He would deny himself heaven for the sake of others finding faith and joy in Jesus Christ. Would we say that of ourselves? We must if, according to Paul, we would choose those things that are most important.

A word here about joy. Joy will prove to be a theme throughout the book of Philippians. It is the goal of so much of Paul's ministry. These defining choices we make (Christ being preached, Christ being exalted, others being served) are to be choices filled with joy. They are the right answers! They are the best choices we can make! Paul is encouraging us to relish the wonderful truth of the gospel and to live the life that is overflowing with all the love, joy, and peace that Christ has come to give. Preach Christ. Exalt Christ. Serve others. All in joy!

Exalted God! My heart is singing because of the joy You give! I pray that it would be a loud song for all the world to hear. A song exalting Your Name - Jesus! Give me the courage and ability to live so deeply for Christ today that when I face death it will truly be gain. Free me from fighting for my name, reputation, and comfort. I pray that my life on earth will result in overflowing joy in Christ Jesus for all those You would place around me. Glory to Your Name!

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